Local Sound Releases New Song "No One Like You"

Local Sound re have partnered with Integrity Music to release their latest song "No One Like You." Local Sound are known for their overflowing creativity and fresh approach to songwriting when it comes to worship. 'No One Like You' expresses both aspects with lyrics that are as relatable to as they are profound, and a pop soundscape mixing reverence and energy.
I saw that there were rules, that if I broke them
You'd be sorry about Your invitation
Every time You proved me wrong
You were always there waiting with open arms
The Nashville-based band are heavily involved and rooted in local church ministry. 'No One Like You' continues their bold exploration of multi-faceted worship as well as Local Sound's passion to forge the culture of the Kingdom.
This is priceless, none can match this
What we have is once in a lifetime
I'm gonna fight to protect it
Nothing better, no love sweeter
What we have is once in a lifetime
I'm gonna fight to protect it
Tags : Local Sound "No One Like You" local sound Integrity Music