Reign Season 2 : Disease Outbreak

Reign Season 2 : Disease Outbreak
The Reign Season 2 starts with Francis and Mary on the throne of the nation burning. France is shaken by the after-effects of the outbreak, a disease that crept in the castle walls, taking hundreds upon hundreds of lives all across the land, and destroying the nation's stability.
From the ashes, prevailing lords will rise. They will carry out their personal, political and religious vengeances, taking so many lives and tearing at Francis and Mary's vow to their people - and each other. Though the disease will come to an end, scarcity will go after, and among the distraught survivors, there is a feeling that the dead will walk the planet. Commoners and royals are the same now faces a future where friendships will be greatly tested, love ones killed and loyalties given up.
Francis is the one who really knows this and is anxious by the part in his father's demise and by Henry's final warning that betraying someone you really love is a burden you will bring all your waking hours. Francis' guilt will surely tear him and his relationship with Mary as well as his feeling about his personal value.
While he struggles with his dreadful secret, he is thankful that his half-brother Bash is standing for him and helping him to navigate the unsafe and turbulent political waters. Even Catherine - now the Queen mother - has still the ability to plot against Mary and Francis sequentially to get back to power again.
Regardless of the social and political turmoil, life at the court continues to turn around lust, love and arranged marriages. Among Mary's ladies-in-waiting, Kenna appears to be happy in her marriage with Bash while Greer select a suitor with excellent social status over Leith, the kitchen servant turned soldier who begged her for marriage.
Although Mary does everything to have no hatred towards Lola, the mother of Francis' child, the child serves as a permanent mark that Mary has not yet produced on her own. Her childless state affected Mary's power and capacity in the court's eyes and only adds to the hazards she faces as she fight to control the nobles, maintain her marriage with Francis and rule over a nation which is forever changed by famine and plague.
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