iPhone 6 Plus Latest News: Sets new selling-record of 10-million units within days!

iPhone 6 Plus Latest News: Sets new selling-record of 10-million units within days!
Just a mere three days after launching the new iPhone models, the 6 and 6 plus, Apple has racked sales of over 10 million devices! Both models have become a hit with customers, who are proving to like what new features and functions were presented by Apple CEO, Timothy Cook.
Tim expressed gratitude and honesty in that the sales had blown well above the company's set expectations; noting that this had been the greatest sale trend in recent years. Last year Apple managed to sell an impressive 9 million units devices of the then new iPhone 5 and 5C models and have surpassed that number significantly by a million units.
This trend seems to be on an unstoppable gain as the previous sales all had lower figures than their followers.
The new models are currently available in the United States, the UK, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Puerto Rico, Germany and France. Notable from the list is that it did not premier in China at the same time as the above locations, due to cited pending regulatory approval procedures.
The Increase in units can be attributed partly to the new paradigm adopted by the Apple Designers, the big screens. Previous versions of devices were notably smaller than their competitors and now with them approaching more into the phablet size, it is undeniable they have broken into the market of users who appreciate huge screens and all the perks that they come with.
Sales of the new models will be rolled out to a wider audience in the coming weeks and no doubt they will continue to receive just as much, if not more uptake by much awaiting Apple-loyalists. Online pre-orders are said to have dwelt into the 4-5 million ranges as more and more future owners make plans to own it. Analysts project great quarterly figures for the tech giant and have a basis, as the previous figures were somewhat tied to how good the device had performed within three days the launch period.
Tags : iphone 6 iphone 6 news iPhone 6 sales iPhone 6 china iPhone 6 10 million units iPhone 6 new record iPhone 6 record sales iphone 6 news 2014 iphone 6 plus iphone 6 plus news iPhone 6 Plus sales
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