
Here Are Lyrics to Circuit Rider Music featuring Lindy Cofer's ​"Look At What The Blood Has Done"

Circuit Rider Music featuring Lindy Cofer

​"Look At What The Blood Has Done" is a live worship single released on March 14, 2025, by Circuit Rider Music featuring Lindy Cofer. The song reflects on the transformative power of Jesus's sacrifice, emphasizing themes of redemption and freedom from sin.​

Lindy Cofer, formerly Lindy Conant, is a worship leader and missionary affiliated with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) and the Circuit Riders. Her ministry focuses on evangelism and inspiring a generation to embrace the teachings of Jesus. ​

The lyrics of "Look At What The Blood Has Done" celebrate the impact of Christ's crucifixion, highlighting the breaking of sin's curse and the believer's newfound freedom.

The joy was set before You 
As You endured the Cross 
The nails, the thorns, the lashes 
Your love poured over us 
The curse of sin is broken 
The root of shame torn out 
The final word was spoken  
As crimson hit the ground 
Oh behold the wonder 
Christ the Worthy One  
Look at what the blood has done  
Look at what the blood has done  
All our sin is washed away 
And every chain undone 
Look at what the blood has done  
Look at what the blood has done 
Jesus You have made a way  
The Lamb has overcome!  
Forgiven, saved, delivered 
Forever we are free 
the blood has healed and washed us 
We stand as the redeemed 
The grip of death is shattered  
You left an empty tomb  
Now You're alive forever 
And we're alive in You 
Hallelujah hallelujah  
Thank you for the Blood  
It is finished 
It is done   

Tags : Lindy Cofer Circuit Rider Music featuring Lindy Cofer Here Are Lyrics to Circuit Rider Music featuring Lindy Cofer's ​"Look At What The Blood Has Done"

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